Curious about the longevity of double-glazing windows? It’s difficult not to be swayed by the allure of switching to double-glazing, as these units offer numerous benefits. However, double-glazed unit’s lifespan is influenced by various significant factors, and providing a definitive statement without thorough examination would be challenging.

According to recent statistics, around of UK households have double-glazing units. The overwhelming perks associated with double-glazing installation are the sole reason behind this skyrocketing demand. One of the primary advantages of double-glazing units is their notably longer lifespan when compared to conventional windows.

This blog will provide insights into the question on everyone’s mind: ‘How long does double glazing last’, to present a clearer picture.

How Long do Double-glazed Windows Last on Average?

The lifespan of double-glazed window units can be influenced by various factors, making it challenging to establish a specific standard figure. The lifespans of double-glazed units can vary significantly. However, it is worth noting that modern double-glazing units are often designed with longer lifespans and enhanced durability compared to earlier models.

These advancements can be attributed to continuous improvements and experimentation in manufacturing technology and the quality of materials used in the production of double-glazing units over the past few decades.

As a result of ongoing advancements, modern double-glazing units have reached exceptional levels of quality and functionality. When it comes to the lifespan of a double-glazed window, it can vary between ten years and fifty years. On average, you can reasonably expect a double-glazed unit to last at least twenty years without encountering significant issues.

Window seals and frames have also become pivotal in determining the longevity of double-glazing units. From manufacturing quality to frame materials, everything needs to be taken into consideration to get a rough idea of how long your double-glazed unit will endure.

Factors Affecting the Longevity of Double-glazed Units

Double-glazed units are designed to provide long-lasting benefits, but their lifespan can be influenced by various factors in distinct ways. It is essential to thoroughly evaluate these factors to obtain an accurate estimation of how long your double-glazed unit is expected to endure.

Geographical Location

The weather condition your double-glazed window is exposed to plays a crucial role in determining its lifespan. For example, if you’re living in a coastal region, you can’t expect the double-glazing units of your home to have prolonged lifespans. Conversely, residents in rural areas can expect longer lifespans for their double-glazed units compared to those in other regions.

The reason behind this difference is the weather conditions of the respective geographical regions. Double-glazed units installed in homes of coastal areas will come in heavy exposure to acidic saltwater on a daily basis while the units installed in countryside homes will rarely be exposed to extreme weather conditions. As a result, the units installed in countryside homes will have longer lifespans.

Manufacturing Quality

Long-enduring double-glazing units are results of high-quality materials and on-point craftsmanship. The build quality of your double-glazing unit says the final word on its lifespan expectancy.

That’s why we suggest you purchase double-glazed units from reliable and recognized manufacturers who are less likely to compromise with the material and build quality they provide. A well-built double-glazing unit can outplay all the conventions associated with ‘how long does double glazing last.’

Installation Quality

Giving extra attention to the installation process can significantly enhance the lifespan of your double-glazing units. A proficient window installer with profound experience ensures a flawless double-glazing installation to make sure that the unit works seamlessly over a prolonged span. A single mistake during the installation can lead to frequent malfunctions, necessitating repeated servicing. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritise a proper and precise installation to maximise the longevity of your double-glazing units.

Perimeter Seal

The lifespan of your double-glazing unit relies largely on the longevity of the perimeter seal installed to keep the air gap between the windowpane’s moisture-free. The fundamental function of the perimeter seal is to prevent moisture from entering the air gap.

Also, the seal consists of desiccant that purports to absorb the extra moisture present in the air gap to keep the unit’s functionality intact. Over time, the perimeter seal fails to prevent moisture from entering the air gap between the windowpanes and that’s when double-glazing failure occurs. The lifespan expectancy of a perimeter seal is approximately 10-20 years.

How to Detect a Malfunctioning Double-Glazing Window?

There are several noticeable signs that can indicate a malfunctioning double-glazing unit. If you suspect that your double-glazing unit is not functioning properly, look for the following indicators to confirm your suspicions:

  • Visible condensation in the air gap between the window panes is an indication that the double-glazing unit has lost its functionality.
  • Draught passing through closed windows frequently is a clear sign that the double-glazing feature isn’t working.
  • Increased electricity bills over the past few months can be a sign of double-glazing failure. Double-glazing units are meant for saving electricity bills. If they’re not doing so, it means there is some issue with them.
  • Degraded or cracked frames are a sure shot sign of double-glazing failure. Complete unit replacement is generally suggested in such cases.
  • Difficulty in closing or opening a double-glazing window may mean that the unit isn’t functioning properly.

Different Double-glazing Frames and Their Longevity

uPVC Windows

20-25 years if maintained properly

Aluminium Windows

Up to 45 years even without maintenance

Hardwoord Timber Windows

High-maintenance ones, last up to 50 years with regular maintenance

Wrapping Up

If you have made the decision to install double-glazing units in your home, this blog should have provided valuable validation. Double-glazing windows are highly versatile, offering extended lifespans and exclusive advantages.

Like every individual, you surely have a long-term plan of how long you want to use the double-glazing units to align with your goals, it is important to choose a suitable window frame material. Additionally, I recommend reaching out to the most experienced window installation service available to ensure a flawless installation that meets your expectations.

Phil Hallworth
By: Phil Hallworth

Phill has over 15 years of expertise in all stages of the design and production process and is dedicated to providing exceptional service and adding value to clients’ businesses. As a technical sales director, Phill supports architects, main contractors and glazing subcontractors specialists to deliver high-performance insulated glass solutions from specification to completion in the UK.

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